Live Score App

by Faiz Khan17/1/2023

👋 Introduction

An app that keeps you updatad with the live score of games occuring in your college.

In Foss Overflow 2022, I contributed to Live Score App.

Ever felt clueless to the games occuring in your college? Well not any more now you can view the scores of your/other college live, as well as take a look at previous games that occured in your college too. You can also choose to be notified for the announcements from your college regarding future games. Along the way I faced alot of issues but with the kind guidance of the mentors Nishant and Sakshi, I was able to overcome most of them , and make Live Score a better app.

🎉 Achievements

I got to learn so much from this event .

I learnt and improved various things along the project like:

  • Firebase Realtime DataBase
  • Firebase FireStore
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Cloud Messaging and Notifications
  • Run and Debug VSCode
  • Material Designs , and many more.

📝 My Contributions

  • Ongoing Games Screen that shows live score and highlights
  • Previous Games Screen that shows previous games score, highlights and winner
  • Announcements Screen that shows all the notification and one can choose to subscribe to particular college notifications also
  • Login and Signup Screen to authenticate user before letting them create games
  • Admin Screen where user can create game, change score, write highlights, end game and choose the winner. They can also give notification to viewers about future games

✨ Experience

I learnt a lot of new things in flutter and now I feel more confident in making full fledged apps and I will keep contributing to Open Source apps😊

Apk Link: Live Score Apk Download

Demo Video: Demo Video